Using Oura Ring for Best Type of Exercise during Periods

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In the pursuit of holistic well-being, understanding and embracing the natural rhythms of our bodies can lead to more effective and personalized approaches to health. For women’s health, menstrual health is a large part of the agenda, and exercise is a large part of health. This article brings you the best type of exercise during periods, that is Yoga, along with the best yoga poses for periods.

Oura Ring is a wearable technology providing deep insights into sleep health, heart health, stress, activity and readiness, and more. Based on its data, you get to know what your body requires. It also helps you build a healthy routine and make the right choices.

Exercise has tremendous benefits for menstrual health and yoga is the best type of exercise during periods as it caters to all the phases of women’s health. Urbantrnd has brought some best yoga poses for you.

Why Yoga is the Best Type of Exercise during Periods?

Benefits on body

Yoga focuses on pelvic floor muscles which are particularly beneficial for women’s health like period pain, heavy bleeding, and spotting. This is the best type of exercise during periods as it helps enhance blood circulation, eliminate accumulated old blood, facilitate relaxation of the tense pelvic floor muscles, and take care of the often-neglected muscles in the body.


Stress stands out as a major contributor to menstrual problems, including irregular or absent periods, period pain, and mood swings. Yoga is not only a type of exercise, but it provides a holistic approach to health as it focuses on muscles, strength, balance, flexibility, organ health, relaxation, stress management, and emotional management. It is a way of life and surely the best one for women’s health. Get Oura Ring now to see your stress levels and other physiological responses.

Hormonal regulation

We know that practicing yoga for 35 to 40 minutes, five days a week, over six months has been shown to lead to a reduction in hormone levels associated with irregular menstruation.

Read more: Period Tracking with Oura Ring

10 Best Type of Exercise during Periods in Yoga

  • Cobbler’s pose

Since the lower half of the body often feels heavy during menstruation, seated poses will be our focus. They help to open the pelvic region.

  • Head to Knee Pose

Extend your right leg and place the sole of your left foot on the inner thigh of your right leg. Center your torso over the right leg, fold forward, and then transition back through Baddha Konasana to prepare for the other side. It stretches the hamstrings, hips, and groin.

  • Seated Straddle

Open both legs wide, emphasizing hamstring stretching. Using a bolster or blankets for support in a forward fold is an excellent option. This pose targets the hamstrings, and inner thighs and lengthens the spine.

  • Seated Forward Bend

With both legs extended, lengthen the spine in a seated position before bending forward. This pose works on the pelvis, hamstrings, and back. Remember to do diaphragmatic breathing during these poses.

  • Supported Bridge Pose

While lying on your back, lift the hips slightly by pressing into your feet and slide a yoga block under them for support. This is the best type of exercise during periods to alleviate back pain.

  • Goddess Pose

Stay reclined with knees bent, releasing them to the sides and down to your mat. Bring the soles of your feet together for Goddess Pose, enhancing the experience by placing a bolster under the length of your spine. This pose helps you open up the groin and hip, and promotes relaxation.

  • Child Pose

This restorative pose involves kneeling with the forehead touching the ground, arms extended, and the body in a relaxed position. It promotes relaxation, stretches the lower back, and can alleviate tension.

  • Sphinx Pose

Sphinx Pose is a gentle backbend where the forearms are on the ground, lifting the chest. It strengthens the spine, opens the chest, and can be therapeutic for lower back discomfort.

  • Cat-Cow Pose

This dynamic yoga sequence involves transitioning between arching the back (cow) and rounding it (cat), along with mindful breathing. It promotes spinal flexibility, strengthens the core, and provides a gentle massage to the abdominal organs.

  • Seated Twist

Involves twisting the upper body while seated. This pose helps improve spine mobility, stimulating digestion, and releasing tension in the back.

8 Best Type of Exercise during Periods for Irregular Periods

  • Bow Pose

This backbend involves lying on the stomach and lifting the legs and upper body, resembling a bow. It strengthens the back muscles, stimulates abdominal organs, and can help regulate menstrual cycles.

  • Camel Pose

In this pose, the body arches backward, opening the chest and stretching the front of the body. It stimulates the reproductive organs and can alleviate menstrual discomfort.

  • Fish Pose

Fish Pose involves lying on the back with the chest elevated. It stretches the abdomen, stimulates the thyroid gland, and may aid in addressing irregular periods.

  • Butterfly Pose

Seated with the soles of the feet together, this pose opens the hips and groin. It is believed to improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, potentially addressing menstrual issues.

  • Cobra Pose

Involves lifting the upper body while keeping the lower body on the ground. It strengthens the spine, stimulates abdominal organs, and can be beneficial for menstrual health.

  • Downward Facing Dog Pose

This inverted pose helps in relieving stress, improving circulation, and potentially regulating menstrual cycles.

  • Intense Side Stretched Pose

This pose involves a deep forward bend, stretching the sides of the body and promoting abdominal health.

  • Thunderbolt Pose

It involves kneeling with the buttocks on the heels. It aids digestion and may have positive effects on menstrual irregularities.

Although there is no scientific data to say that people should restrict specific exercises or under-exercise compared to their capacity, Urbantrnd hopes that this article is helpful for you to manage menstrual health in a better manner. Use the insights from Oura Ring to find out your best type of exercise during periods, and which yoga poses worked significantly for you. Click here to buy Oura Ring.