Why Investing in Employee Health with Oura Ring is Profitable?

oura ring

In the evolving landscape of the corporate world, businesses are increasingly recognizing the pivotal role that employee health plays in organizational success. The harsh capitalistic model of leadership which focused on short-term goals and prioritized profits over anything else is getting out of the trend now. Urbantrnd brings you the best way to start investing in employee health in 2024.

The Oura Ring is a sleek and innovative wearable device designed to provide comprehensive insights into an individual’s health and well-being. It monitors sleep, activity, body temperature, heart health, readiness, recovery, and stress.

While the primary focus of the Oura Ring is on personal health and lifestyle tracking, the introduction of “Oura Ring for Business” extends its utility to corporate wellness programs.

Benefits of Investing in Employee Health

Reduced Absence

By providing insights into sleep patterns, stress levels, and overall well-being with Oura Ring, employees can proactively address health issues before they escalate, minimizing the need for sick leave.

Oura Ring’s ability to detect early signs of burnout and stress allows employees to implement preventive measures, ultimately reducing the frequency and duration of absences. This results in workplace wellness and stability.

Investing in employee health in this manner reduces unplanned absences, lowering productivity losses and associated costs as unplanned absences can lead to financial burdens.

Better Employee Retention

By using Oura Ring for business, a workplace can invest in employee health. This initiative fosters a sense of care and consideration for its workforce. When employees feel supported in their well-being, they are more likely to develop a sense of loyalty and commitment to the organization.

Sense of satisfaction is directly correlated with building high-performance teams, enhancing the morale of employees, and employee retention.

Investing in employee health with the Oura Ring program is a cost-effective way of providing a more positive work environment.

Long-term Talent Acquisition

The millennial workforce places a high value on work-life balance and workplace wellness. Organizations offering comprehensive health benefits and investing in employee health, including Oura Ring programs, are attractive to employees.

Oura Ring’s focus on personalized well-being aligns with the vision of building a high-performance team.

Improved Company Culture

When organizations are active in investing in employee health, it creates a positive company culture. When organizations actively invest in the health of their workforce, it sends a clear message about the company’s values and commitment to its employees.

A positive company culture built on well-being fosters a sense of community and shared values. This, in turn, enhances teamwork, collaboration, and overall employee satisfaction.

Better Bottom Lines

Investing in employee health helps build high-performing teams and makes employees more engaging. It leads to higher productivity, customer engagement, and overall profitability.

Higher productivity, coupled with improved employee morale and satisfaction, positively impacts customer engagement. Satisfied and motivated employees are more likely to deliver excellent customer service, ultimately contributing to increased customer loyalty and retention.

Lower Healthcare Costs

The conventional healthcare programs for the employees include regular check-ups, workshops, and illness-wellness-related policies. However, in many cases, these may result in unwanted trial and error, unsatisfactory results, and a curative approach.

Oura Ring programs, with their emphasis on preventive health measures, contribute to significant cost savings in healthcare. By enabling employees to monitor and manage their health proactively, organizations can reduce the need for expensive medical interventions and treatments.

Lower healthcare costs not only benefit individual employees but also contribute to the organization’s financial sustainability, allowing resources to be redirected toward business development and growth initiatives.

Healthier Relationships Between Co-workers

Oura Ring initiatives that encourage team challenges and wellness activities foster collaboration among co-workers. Such collaborative activities encourage employee interaction beyond the workplace. Building healthier relationships among co-workers enhances overall teamwork, and communication, and establishes workplace wellness.

Shared fitness goals and wellness programs strengthen interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Employees being connected is another aspect of building a high-performance team.

Reduced Stress

Oura Ring programs, with their focus on stress monitoring and management, contribute to the creation of a work environment that actively addresses stressors. Employees equipped with tools to manage stress are more likely to navigate work challenges with resilience and composure.

In a world that is becoming crippled with stress, investing in employee health not only increases output but also longevity and creativity.

Enhanced Employee Morale

Workplace wellness programs foster a sense of belonging, satisfaction, and motivation among employees. When employees feel supported in their well-being, they become more engaged, leading to a stronger connection with the company.

It also positively influences the organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior of the employees. This means that the employee goes beyond their designated job responsibilities to help the company or co-workers.

Employee Empowerment

After the COVID-19 pandemic, the work-from-home system or hybrid system has become a permanent feature of our work culture. The proximity of workspaces in a remote setting has blurred the lines between personal and professional life, leading to increased stress and burnout among employees.

Working from home also reduces the physical interaction that the employees used to have before. This also negatively impacts their emotional well-being. Meanwhile, it would require extra costs on the part of the company to deliver health benefits to employees residing in different locations. In such a scenario, investing in employee health through Oura Ring is a feasible option.

Oura Ring empowers employees to take care of themselves through valuable insights and recommendations for various things.

Read More: Key Areas for Building Employee Health with Oura Ring

Investing in employee health through Oura Ring programs yields multifaceted benefits that extend beyond individual well-being. Organizations that prioritize health are better positioned to enhance productivity, retain talent, foster positive company cultures, and ultimately achieve better bottom lines.