12 Easy Strategies for Workplace Wellness with Oura Ring

oura ring

In the fast-paced landscape of today’s workplaces, where stress and burnout are prevalent, it is important to recognize the importance of investing in employee health.

Taking proactive steps to enhance various aspects of well-being not only fosters a positive workplace culture but also yields long-term benefits for both employees and employers. Hence, Urbantrnd has compiled some ways in which you can plan your corporate wellness program and implement strategies for workplace wellness.

Oura Ring is a well-known wearable technology with high-class sensors that can help monitor and gather insights about various physiological and psychological markers of the human body. These include sleep patterns, heart health, activity, and readiness-related markers. It can be used by corporations to enhance workplace wellness among their employees.

Read More: Benefits of workplace wellness and employee health

12 Strategies for Workplace Wellness

  • Promote Regular Exercise

There is no compensation for physical exercise for anyone. Encourage physical activity through initiatives such as gym memberships, fitness challenges, and virtual workout classes.

Getting Oura Ring for your employees will aid them in realizing the importance of physical activity as they will see its impact on their bodies.

  • Encourage Movement

Combat sedentary lifestyles by offering standing desks, promoting regular breaks, and incentivizing physical activity. You can also integrate movement into the workday, such as organizing walking meetings or incorporating stretching routines. This is one of the easiest strategies for workplace wellness.

  • Provide healthy Food

All experts emphasize that food has the main impact on our health, even before physical exercise. As an employer, you have to ensure that you offer nutritious food options in the workplace, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet. You can conduct awareness campaigns on healthy eating, providing resources and information to employees.

This is extremely crucial if you have employees who work on rotating shifts or if their job includes more travel.

The insights from Oura Ring will help the employees and the company narrow down the nutritional needs of their bodies so that they can plan their meals accordingly.

  • Encourage Rest

Contrary to popular belief till now, taking short breaks in between and working with high focus for short periods enhances productivity and creativity. Encourage short breaks for employees to recharge themselves. Let them use the data from Oura Ring to decide which type of break helps them the most in releasing stress.

Emphasize the importance of adequate sleep by promoting breaks and encouraging the use of vacation days. You should also consider implementing policies that discourage excessive overtime and promote a healthy work-life balance.

  • Flexible Work Schedules

Build a tailored hybrid work model suitable for your business. Allow flexible or reduced work schedules to enable employees to balance work and personal life effectively.

For some people, remote work can help reduce commuting-related stress and provide more time to the employees to practice healthy living.

  • Re-evaluate Pay Packages

Among the strategies for workplace wellness, this is one of the most crucial strategies. Regularly assess employee pay to ensure it aligns with the cost of living and financial well-being. The company should also consider offering financial wellness programs to assist employees in managing their finances effectively.

This is because if the pay package of the employees is not aligned with their life goals, they might not be able to follow a healthy lifestyle regardless of how much awareness they receive about workplace wellness. Financial situations of your employees can hinder the corporate wellness program as they will be incapable of implementing the strategies and get stuck mentally and in terms of resources

  • Employee Assistance in Corporate Wellness Program

Employee Assistance includes access to counseling services and resources for mental health support, programs that address personal issues affecting work performance, demonstrating a commitment to employee welfare, etc.

  • Empower Employees

Organizations can go a step further by redesigning work structures to support overall employee well-being. The first step for these strategies for workplace wellness is to empower employees with control and problem-solving capacity.

Provide employees with more autonomy over how they execute their tasks, leading to improved mental health and job performance. Involve employees in structured problem-solving processes to decrease burnout rates and increase job satisfaction.

  • Stabilize Worker’s Schedule

Introduce more stable work schedules to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and positively impact company performance.

  • Maintain Adequate Staffing Levels

Consider the long-term benefits of adjusting staffing levels for overall employee health and organizational success. Balance workloads by ensuring adequate staffing to prevent burnout, absenteeism, and turnover.

  • Sense of Belonging

Create a work culture that encourages supportive relationships among colleagues to positively influence well-being. Implement initiatives that strengthen the sense of community, such as regular emails sharing affirming stories.

Sharing a shared goal of executing a corporate wellness program and enhancing workplace wellness is also something that will help the employees realize that the company cares for them. This fosters a sense of belonging and loyalty. You can begin this by gifting Oura Ring to your employees.

  • Support Employees’ Personal Needs

Offer support in balancing work and personal responsibilities, creating a more inclusive and compassionate workplace. For example, you can recognize and accommodate employees who are caregivers, contributing to improved health and well-being.

Prioritizing employee health is a strategic investment in the success of the organization. Create a work environment that fosters loyalty, engagement, and sustained productivity by actively supporting holistic well-being. Companies that invest in the well-being of their workforce cultivate a more engaged and dedicated employee base. Start your corporate wellness program with Oura Ring now!